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There are many different types of planning applications and following our advice we can guide you are to the most appropriate and undertake the submission of planning applications on your behalf.

JWP is able to undertake the following;

  • Identify the main planning issues of the case
  • Advise on how best to formulate and present an application
  • Co-ordinate the input of other professionals from our range of professional associates
  • Write Design and Access Statements, Planning Statements and Heritage Impact Assessments (where necessary) to support an application
  • Submit the application and act as your agent through the planning application stages

We have various associates which include the following;

Architectural design

Heritage Impact

Transport Statements/Assessment

Ecological Surveys

Archaeological Surveys

Agricultural justifications for new dwellings

Tree condition surveys


JWP is also able to advise on drafting planning conditions, agreeing planning obligations and is willing to present your application to planning committees