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You can appeal a decision made by a local authority on a planning application if you disagree with the decision, any conditions imposed or if the application wasn’t determined within statutory timeframe.

Planning appeals are administered and undertaken by the Planning Inspectorate, which is independent of the local planning authority. The Planning Inspectorate consider all the material planning considerations that are relevant to the case, and from all parties, including from the Local Planning Authority, the applicant and from those who might have made representations on the application.

There is a strict process and timeframe for the submission and processing of appeals.

JWP can provide the following services for appeals;

  • advise on the different types of appeal processes and the most appropriate for your case
  • preparing the grounds of your appeal
  • produce written appeal statements
  • submitted and administering the appeal on your behalf
  • conducting hearings
  • undertake appeal site visits with Inspectorate