JWP submit the application and act as your agent through the planning application stages. Below is some of our recent work;
JWP made the whole submission to Charnwood Borough Council:
Decision Issued Date: 12th December 2017
P/17/0378/2 – Site for the erection of a detached dwelling, Land adjacent 73A Brook Street, Wymeswold, Leicestershire
JWP made the whole submission to Melton Borough Council.
Decision Issued Date: 6th November 2017
17/00950/OUT – Outline application for the erection of three dwellings, Land Off Middle Lane Middle Lane Nether Broughton
JWP made the whole submission to Melton Borough Council.
Decision Issued Date: 25th May 2017
17/00240/FUL – Proposed detached 4 bedroom dwelling, car port, studio and home office, The Cottage, 1 Main Street, Barsby