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We have four main services at JWP. Below is some information on them. If you cannot see what you are looking for then feel free to get in touch to discuss your needs in detail.

Email: | Phone: 07974 242321

There are many different types of planning applications and following our advice we can guide you to the most appropriate and undertake the submission of planning applications on your behalf.

JWP is able to undertake the following;

  • Identify the main planning issues of the case
  • Advise on how best to formulate and present an application
  • Co-ordinate the input of other professionals from our range of professional associates
  • Write Design and Access Statements, Planning Statements and Heritage Impact Assessments (where necessary) to support an application
  • Submit the application and act as your agent through the planning application stages

We have various associates which include the following;

Architectural design

Heritage Impact

Transport Statements/Assessment

Ecological Surveys

Archaeological Surveys

Agricultural justifications for new dwellings

Tree condition surveys


JWP is also able to advise on drafting planning conditions, agreeing planning obligations and is willing to present your application to planning committees

JWP is able to give advice on the following;

Pre-application advice; If you are looking for some initial advice or guidance before considering applying for planning permission we can have a look at your proposal or site, undertake a site visit and provide the following;

  • advise on any planning or policy issues in respect of your development
  • advise on the acceptability of your development proposal or suggest alternative proposal
  • advise on what investigatory work might be required and if needed instruct investigatory works on your behalf to determine the feasibility of any proposal
  • undertake discussion of your initial proposals with the local authority or any interested parties who could be involved in the determination of an application.
  • advise on the likelihood for success
  • provide a detailed report as to the feasibility of the proposal and guidance as to any next steps

Planning Refusals; If you are in receipt of a planning refusal we can offer you advice as to any alternative approach to the project and the best way of moving the proposal forward. We can also offer advice as to the appeal process and the likelihood of success at appeal.

Enforcement; If you are being investigated for unauthorised development or having issues with non-compliance following receipt of planning permission or an enforcement notice we can advice you on the most suitable method to resolve this.

Guidance; If you have any concerns or issues with any planning matters or the procedures and policies surrounding planning was are able to provide you with detailed advice.

As a company we are able to offer interim support to Development Management departments at times of staff shortage, maternity cover and increased workloads.

We offer flexible solutions tailored specifically for each Council. We can offer remote working to provide the most efficient results with some office presence as agreed for meetings, contact, discussions etc.

We can work a set number of days a week for a specified period, can deal with batches of cases and pre-apps to ease the load of existing Officers, one off cases, appeal statements, conservation advice, SHLAA assessments etc.

We undertake all types of cases from householders to majors applications.

You can appeal a decision made by a local authority on a planning application if you disagree with the decision, any conditions imposed or if the application wasn’t determined within statutory timeframe.

Planning appeals are administered and undertaken by the Planning Inspectorate, which is independent of the local planning authority. The Planning Inspectorate consider all the material planning considerations that are relevant to the case, and from all parties, including from the Local Planning Authority, the applicant and from those who might have made representations on the application.

There is a strict process and timeframe for the submission and processing of appeals.

JWP can provide the following services for appeals;

  • advise on the different types of appeal processes and the most appropriate for your case
  • preparing the grounds of your appeal
  • produce written appeal statements
  • submitted and administering the appeal on your behalf
  • conducting hearings
  • undertake appeal site visits with Inspectorate